Collections Strategy

Collections Strategy

TrueNorth Solutions Group can help reduce delinquency and losses by:

  • Supporting the implementation of risk models into your collections strategies and laying a foundation of intelligent and effective use of contact channels and payment solutions.
  • Testing and implementing intelligent dialing strategies that provide the best chance for a contact while adhering to regulatory guidelines. Daily, weekly cadences, Best Time to Call analysis, and preventative controls make up the bulk of this effort as it relates to the dialer. Equally important is developing a holistic treatment strategy that aligns dialing attempts with other OB contact channels like, email, SMS, and direct drop voice mail. Finally, the best collections operations provide the customers with an outlet to solve their delinquency themselves via a self-service portal.  We will develop strong call-to-action marketing content to drive your vulnerable customers to your website to fulfill on whatever capabilities exist there.
  • Establishing payment relief programs that range from reages, to payment holidays, to sort term and long term reduced payment and reduced interest plans.  Customized to the business drivers and customer base, effective payment programs are vital to controlling the flow to charge off.
  • Developing an effective strategy for dealing with Debt Settlement companies that is aligned with the priorities of the company and their overall risk appetite.  Options include a more partnership type of strategy vs. litigation and debt sale